

Westlakes Athletics fast FAQ

Q: When does athletics run during the week?
A: We start at 5:45pm on Fridays. For the older age groups the night usually runs to around 8:00pm. We have a full canteen available with hot and cold food and drinks.

Athletes also have access to:

  • Zone championships (7s+)
  • Regional Championships (8s+)
  • State Championships (9s+)
  • A wide range of carnivals run by other centres. (Including the Westlakes Carnival on November 17th 2019)

Q: What events do the athletes do?
A: Tots do some short races up to 200m, long jump and other play training, 6s add discus and shot put plus up to 300m races. This progression continues with longer races as athletes get older up to 3000m for 13+ Other events such as high jump, javelin, triple jump and hurdles are all introduced at various ages.

Q: Can I use the Active Kids Voucher?
A: Definitely! You can apply the code when registering. (School age kids only) Note: You must use the code upon registration. You can not apply a an active kids voucher code once you have registered.

Q: Does my child need to have athletics experience to join?
A: Absolutely not. Our points system is designed to reward participation and improvement. We encourage the kids to do their best at all times regardless of starting ability.

Q: Can athletes represent the club at other competitions?
A: Yes. Little As members can compete in a variety of competitions run by different clubs. Athletes from 7s up can also compete in Little As Zone, Regional (8s+) and state (9s+) competitions.

Q: Do you need help on Friday nights?
A: YES we certainly do! Westlakes Athletics is run purely by volunteers! There is a wide variety of jobs you can do to assist running the nights. Many of these jobs do not require an extensive knowledge of Athletics or need experience in managing large groups of children. Such jobs include timing races, handing out finishing tokens, cooking a bbq, assisting in the canteen, measuring distances, recording times, sweeping long jump pits etc. It is an expectation that if you have children competing that you help out in some way.

Q: Do I need to purchase special equipment for my child?
A: All athletic equipment and implements are provided. You may like to invest in track and field shoes or spikes (u11+). If your child wishes to compete at Zone or above they will need to purchase the club uniform.

See the Centre Handbook for More Information